I have been very busy trying to work on my projects. I admit I have not spent a lot of time on knitting since I was so excited to get my quilt going. However, I have started a knitting project. I am writing my own baby sweater pattern. I am not really writing it from scratch but I have written most of it. I am following some patterns to help guide me to get the correct sizing. Since I am writing most of the pattern myself its taking a little longer and I don't expect it to be perfect. I don't have a baby in mind for it at the current time.

Its hard to see what its going to look like right now. Its currently looking like a mess, but I promise you that in a few days it will look much better. In quilting news I have finished the top part of the quilt. Now that means I just have the squares sewn together. I still have to finish the back, make a quilt sandwich ( which means put the layers together and pin them) , than stipple the quilt together( meaning putting a meandering design on the quilt while sewing the layers together, and finally bind the quilt. In addition to this I am contemplating whether or not to add a border. To be honest, I think its safe to say its likely I will add a border to the top. I think it will help make the quilt pop and I have plenty of batting. I don't want to be wasteful!!! The first picture are the squares place out on the floor.

I was really happy with how I had things placed. Kevin decided he wanted a try and be creative and try his own designs. So he played for a while but he didn't like anything. We tried to put it back the same, but I wasn't happy with it. In the end it doesn't matter b/c when I was sewing I couldn't see the quilt since it was behind the table I was sewing on. So a few of the blocks got mixed up and it created its own design, which I am happy with. Before I show you the finished top of the quilt ( finished for now) I promised I would post a picture of the sewing machine my MIL gave me for my birthday last year.

Its a Singer Advance. So far I have not complaints and I love using it. So I took two different pictures of my quilt top and I am happy with it so far and very excited about it needless to say.

I am really looking forward to continue with this quilt. I will probably go this week and look at fabric choices for borders. Then on Saturday if I get time I would like to cut, iron, and sew on the borders, and iron, cut and sew the back. If I get time this weekend I would also like to cut and iron the binding pieces and sandwich the quilt. That's a lot and I have a busy weekend so I will be impressed if accomplish all of this.
This is the first time I've checked blogs in months...I've pretty much given up on mine...too many other things to do online I suppose...but I just read your posts these last few months and wow....you are such a creative person! Look at all of our creative things you've made!! Wonderful! Just wonderful! Well, Linnea is yelling at me to get her out of her crib...I guess nap time is over for today...so have a good one! Call me sometime!