WARNING THIS POST COULD CAUSE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS: EXCESSIVE DROOLING AND OR EXTREME HUNGER. Well as most of you know Kevin and I had ordered a slab of grass-fed beef( 1/2 of cow). We finally picked our meat up on Saturday, organized it, and put it in the freezer. The hanging weight totaled 235 lbs and you lose 8-10% of that, so all in all we have a ton of meat. It was a great investment since it came down to $3.50 per lb except the sausage was a little more since we had to pay for the extra processing.
This is what it looked like before we unpacked it and organized it.

The first group pictured below are our array of roasts and briskets!!! These will come in handy when it comes to the crockpot.

Next we have the liver. Sarah, if you have a good pate recipe bring it with you when you come at Thanksgiving. I am not a big fan of liver but I am willing to try a pate.

We have plenty of ground beef to go around. There would have been more but we chose sausage instead. I don't think we needed 70lbs of ground beef. In the plastic bag is dog bones so if anyone who has a dog is interested let us know.

This is my favorite part and excited me the most. Below is our 4 ribeye steaks, 1 beef cross rib roast, and 1 beef standing rib roast. Yes prime rib. You can't beat prime rib for $3.50lb. Yum!!!
We indulged in 2 of the ribeye steaks and they were delicious!!

Now we move on to the stew meat and beef soup bones. The bones are on the right and we are excited them to make some delicious soups. We wish we would have gotten a little more stew meat but we are very happy with it. We have learned that the beef stew meat is such a better quality than lamb stew meat. We made an Indian dish with it.

If you didn't think we had enough already we still haven't gotten to the sausage and the steaks. We chose 4 different types of sausage: Chorizo (spanish sausage), Italian sausage, German sausage, and Brats. They only came in 10lbs so yes, we have 40lbs of sausage. We grill a lot of these when we entertain so they will come in handy.

Last but not least the fabulous steaks!!!! We have tenderloins, NY strip steaks, round steaks, misc steaks, and many more. Each package include 2 steaks, so as you can see we have plenty. They are in different rows of the different types of steaks, but since Kevin organized those I can't name all the cuts we have. Anyone want to come over for steak?

Surprisingly we fit all the meat in the freezer. Its packed but keep in mind there is still 1 duck, 2 whole chickens, and 2 large lamb legs. If anyone is interested my mom bought this freezer from Sears 3 yrs ago for $150.00

We are pretty happy with our purchase, now we just need to have more people over for dinner to share the wealth!