Yesterday’s message in church really spoke to me and my heart. The message was one that sums up many of the little messages I have been receiving from God and I want to share this message with you all because its one I think we all need to hear and to be reminded of everyday! Right now we are doing a series in church called “Who is running”. The series is about Jonah and his life and experiences. The message yesterday was about Christians and how we are to help people run to God. Makes sense and well we all know this of course, but do we really practice it. I am not talking about going up to people and preaching about God. What I am talking about is simple and something that is instilled in our hearts and minds everyday of our Christian lives. To show God’s love. Now I know, because I am just as guilty, that we all are probably thinking “I show God’s love every day!” Think about it really hard do we really? I say this because honestly as most of you know I have been through a lot the past 2 years and I still continue to struggle through life. I know for me personally, my life changed drastically when my mom died December 24th 2009. Growing up I was raise in a Christian life style. I went to a Baptist school in my early years, we went to church every Sunday , and you know the drill. I loved everyone no matter what. I was to young to understand and to young to judge. If we look at our child like behaviors honestly, I think we could learn a lot, since we were too ignorant to know different when we were that young. Sorry for rambling but stay with me it gets really good. Any way, I grew up went to college and did what most people do in life. As I moved on with life I strayed from God. I still loved him, prayed, needed him, went to church when I could, and did what I though I was suppose to do as I went on with my life. As my life got busy and consumed with worldly things I never once stopped and noticed that I was losing the most important love there is to lose. Not that I didn’t love people but that I lost loving other people other than the ones I had already loved. I learned this about two hours before my mom died. Some of you know this already, but this may come to a shock to those who have not heard it yet. I want to share this with everyone. If I didn’t believe in God before, which I always have, I sure do believe in him now. Two hours before my mom died God was in the room with her and I . Now I know there are cynics out there but you are not going to change my mind or heart on that. In the midst of all that was horrible and all the sadness and misery I was experiencing, I began to feel strange but it a good way. It took me a minute to realize what I was feeling but I felt God’s love and I have never experienced anything like that before in my life. My heart was so full of love I felt like it was going to burst out of my body. It was like that a steady two hours before she died and when he took her he went to. You are probably wondering by now how this has to do with yesterday’s lesson and why I am rambling so much. I do have a point a very big and important one, for anyone reading this. Since then I have been in search for that kind of love and how I can experience it and share it with others. Well its really simple. Show love to others even those who are drug dealers, rapist, prostitutes, murders, terrorists, anyone!!!!! Easier said than done right? Not really. To be honest, for years it has put a bitter taste in my mouth of how much us Christians do judge people and quite honestly its really sad. I am just as guilty and I am in no way pointing fingers. There are many stories in the bible of how God helped, cared and loved the prostitutes and others who did not believe in him or follow his word or way of life. I take a step back and look at the world and honestly I shake my head in disappointment. How do we as Christians expect others to run to God when we are the ones turning them away from him. We are so judgmental it’s ridiculous. I am not trying to offend anyone but honestly do you pray for the guy who just raped or murdered someone? Do you stop to tell the hooker on the street that God loves her and stop and help or pray for her? Do you stop to feed or give money to the homeless or do you walk buy with a bitter thought like I bet they will just buy booze? There are many more things we do that are not godly. We are the ones people are watching because we are Christians. How can others want to run to God when we turn our noses up? That just shows others that God must not be as loving as we say he is since our actions are suppose to be reflecting his love. Its very simple and very powerful, we are the ones in charge of showing people how God truly does love them. That is our responsibility as Christians and we are failing miserably!!! Ask yourself, were you one of the ones who was ranting and raging about the Mosque the Muslims wanted to put up right near where the terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center (I was)? Did you say or think any nasty thoughts about them? What would God have done in that situation? How do you think our reactions made others feel especially the ones trying to figure if they want to become one of God’s children or not? I think its time we all stopped judging others and take a look in the mirror and look at ourselves and how we need to change to lead others toward God and not away from him!!!! We wonder what is wrong with this world an honestly most Christians are just as guilty as the non Christians. I went off the point of the message some how, but the message wasn't just about showing his love. The message was more about doing it with love, not just because it looks good or that we have to do it, but because we love God and love showing others how much he loves us!!! It means more to God if you do it out of love than just to do it to be kind . It also comes across differently when its done out of love. God is coming one day do you want to know you did all that you could to show his love or do you want to hang your head in shame when you stand in front of him???? I know I need to change and that is going to start today!!!!!
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8 years ago