Our house if full of Christmas Joy and cheer and I wanted to share some pictures of our house all decorated. This year I had lots of help from Mom Sours which was wonderful. I did add some lights to the front bushes this year and I love it. The only picture I did not take is the garage door lights with greenery and bows. So for outside I have decorated the front with candles, lights, wreath, bows, and garland. I think it looks just right for our quaint home.

As most of you know we back up to a park and you can see the back of our house from the street so I like to decorate the back as well. Like the front their is a wreath, garland, lights, bows, and candles. I love how it looks. I can't take the credit though b/c Mom Sours came up with the idea a few years ago to do the lighted wreath with a bow and the draping garland. I just added the garland coming down the railing.

As you can see I need to get some candles for the second floor and maybe for the basement window. I will look after the holidays and see if I can get a few for cheap. Now for the inside my fave. I love Christmas in my house b/c it adds to the house so much and makes it more cozy and warm. When you come in the front door I have my Rudolph village my mom gave me 4 yrs ago for Christmas. It looks much better when its all in one place but I don't have a place to put it all together, maybe next year.

Also upon entering the house their is garland with lights, pine cones, and berries draped up the stair way.

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nick soon will be there. On the mantle in the living room I take the trimmings from the tree and decorate the mantle with greenery, berries, pine cones, and candles. You will also notice 2 stocking hung over the fire place one for Kevin and one for me. Some day when ever we are blessed with children there will be more.

Last but not least I have saved the best until the end the Christmas tree. I love our tree this year. Its so tight and perfect. I have actually had a few people ask me if it was fake. Its so beautiful. There isn't any thing else I can say about it. See for yourself!!!! Please excuse the other items in the picture.

Well I don't know about you but I am going to sit back, relax with a cup of tea, and enjoy the beauty. Merry Christmas to everyone!!!! I hope you have a blessed Holiday!!! Happy Hanukkah as well!!!!