Sorry I have not written in a while. I have been extremely busy but things should start slowing down for me so I will be able to keep posting here more often. Any way, I have had some time to knit over the past few weeks. Mainly last week. I did finally complete my redskins thigh highs and I love them!!!!

I did fix one of my projects but I have yet to take a picture and I am not that happy with it. I think there is something wrong or odd about the pattern. I will be posting a pic on that very soon, its almost done blocking. In the mean time I have started a few projects. I knitted a chemo hat for my neighbor and friend Ala. I think it turned out very well it was my first attempt at lacing so I wanted to start with just a little bit and ease my self into lacing.

I will continue to work on lace projects that slowly get more advanced as I go, but at first I will start with larger needles and yarn. In addition to this I have started my first yoke sweater with a little bit of lacing. Its a Christmas present for my niece Olivia. I am also going to knit a matching beret to go with it. I hope to get the sweater finished this week along with most of the hat so I can start my nephew Jack's sweater.

In other news we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Sours family. Sadly I did not take any photos . We had Mom and Dad Sours, Steven, Sarah, Isaac, and Theo and we had a wonderful visit. Friday after Thanksgiving Dad Sours, Steven, and Isaac went to the Nuggets game and had great seats. They were 10 rows from the court and it was an exciting game. The nuggets won in the last 4 seconds of the game. I am sure it will be a memorable one. That gave Kevin and Sarah time to work on their dissertations, Theo to watch wizard of oz, Mom time to read, and me time to work on the project above. Saturday we all left the house so Kevin could continue working hard on his thesis. We went to the buffalo farm in Dacano and bought grass fed meat. We also visited the Harley store, the cheese import store (YUM), and the yarn store. I bought some sock yarn to make my grandfather some socks for Christmas, which I hope to start soon!!! Sunday mom and I got the outside lights up, the tree and trimmed it, and got the rest of the decorations up. I will be posting some pictures of that in the next day or two. I am so in love with my tree this year it is so beautiful .