Hi, I have been on here in over a year, but I am back and ready to keep you up on what is going on in our lives. I thought it would be great to start out with all the knitting projects that I have worked on since I last posted and what I am currently working on.

These are the socks that I was working on. I finished them and they fit Kevin perfect.
Below is the skirt I was working on (you can see both of these projects in previous post). Its almost done I just have to darn in the ends, and block.

Now for the projects I have done the past few months and what I am currently working on.
I have been basically doing baby sweaters since most of my friends are having babies. Here are the pictures of the sweaters below.

I made two of these. One was pink, green and white and then this one. I forgot to take a picture of the other one but its smaller. This was the project that I had mentioned I was going to work on for one of my friends Daphne who gets on here so I couldn't post a pic before. The other one went to Jeffery and Erika.

This sweater I made for my friend Kate and I also made a sweater like this for a friend at work but it was with different colors. Currently I am working on two projects. The first one is a baby sweater for Brice and Jen's new little girl. I am also going to make the same one just bigger for here bigger sister. I think it will be so cute for them to have matching sweaters.

I am also working on a bolero or shrug for my self. I think it will be great to have in the fall.

Well that is all for now. I will be back on to update you on something else in the next day or two.